Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Travelling has been one of my life's most important aspects, ever since I was a child. Most of it came about as Dad's job description all his life, involved active travel, especially within India. This gave me the opportunity to see most of the country while I was growing up. (I remember Mom telling me stories of how I embarassed her as a child, when I was just one-year old and asked some Aunty on the train for her food)
For some part of my growing years, Dad lived away from us, which meant visiting him every summer vacation and thus exploring that side of the country as well. Later on, when he moved back to Mumbai, our annual family vacations to new cities resumed. Then Architecture school, literally took me to places all over the country in the form of study trips. By the end of it all, I was hooked to travel.
In the years that followed, when I moved out of India, travel took on a whole new meaning. Going back home to India was perpetually on the books. Coupling trips to Europe, en route became part of the agenda too. And of course, the US of A being such a vast country, much had to be explored here too.
The past three years have been crucial in terms of accomplishing some of my elaborate travel agenda.

At the end of 2004, I found myself looking back on all the places I had seen in the recent past and those that I intend on seeing, in the year coming up.
Just thought, that it may help to have a Travel-Log, to keep a record!

Travel-Log Posted by Hello

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