Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Picture this:
Wednesday: After work, spent happy-houring with friends who announced their engagement! Met some new, some old friends and called it a night!
Thursday: After work, spent the evening walking around the city, bumped into another old friend, had Indian tapas for dinner and at 11 pm waited in the lobby of a swanky Times' Square hotel, for cousin and family arriving from India. Took them around Times' Square and caught a train home at 1:30 am.
Friday: Early morning Seminar at Times Square AMC, regular Friday work day, evening spent at Starbuck's waiting for calls of a possible undergrad school reunion. Walked around the city more, finally went to spend some time with cousin and family at hotel, left an hour later to go to LGA to pick up a friend. Waited for an hour, for the friend's already landed flight to disembark, picked up friend and got back home. Drank and chatted away untill bedtime at 3 am.
Saturday: Woke up early, had breakfast at home and then left for the city by noon. Spent some more time walking around, some appetizers at Ben's in midtown and then met more friends at a Deli. Chatted away, heard from another friend who was in town for the long weekend and tried to figure out a slot to fit him in. Left to go home by 5:30 pm, got dressed, sari and all, for a friend's wedding reception. Also, packed for the road trip to Capecod, from there. Had a ball at the reception, danced away till midnight, then left for Capecod.
Sunday: Reached Capecod, by 4 am, checked-in to the hotel, and slept till 9 am. Dressed and ready to leave for Whale-watching at 10:30 am. A mini breakfast later, spent 4 fabulous hours aboard the "Whale-Watcher", fascinated with the mammals in their natural habitat. Got back to shore, for a sumptuous fresh sea-food dinner and then left to come back home. Reached home at 10 pm, conferenced with friends for a bit and watched an episode of "Desperate Housewives", then called it a night at 2 a.m.
Monday: Woke up to a friend's message, rushed into the city to meet friends from The Netherlands, spent a few hours with them at Madison Square Park, catching up and t aking pictures, talking cities mostly. Left to get back to Queens, to go to the temple with another visiting friend, and lunched away on delicious South Indian food. Got back home, took the train to the city and went to The new 'Le Louvre-ish' Apple Store on Fifth Ave. Walked to Central Park and spent some time walking around. Cabbed to the movie hall at Times' Square, caught a 7:10 Hindi film, and laughed our hearts out through it. Bumped into two more friends, promising to catch up next weekend with them. Went to a family-style Italian restaurant close by for dinner and finally got back home. Slept at 2 am.
Tuesday: Friend left early morning at 5:30 am. Said good-bye and tried to sleep in till 7:30 am. Woke up tired and completely un-aligned to come to work this morning. Got to work and thankfully it's a relaxed day so far. Typing out the weekend agenda, and re-living the longest weekend ever, spent doing too many things, but all enjoyed to their best:) Still regret not being able to squeeze in time to meet the other friend visiting from SFO. Maybe next time!
Need a vacation, to sit back and do nothing!


Siddharth said...

hey i dunno who u are but u have the same name as some female architect i know who lives abroad and knwin how she speaks im sure she wud write exactly as u wud...
damn spooky...

Shweyta said...

Hi Siddharth,
Well maybe Iam the female architect you know. I am from KRVIA, Mumbai if that rings a bell for you!

Siddharth said...

didnt u teach 3rd yr ad last yr in KRVIA... vasai fort project??

Shweyta said...

Hey Siddharth,
Nope, but I did teach at KRVIA in 2001-2002. Dont know if you were around then.

Nirav said...

First time that I have heard of Indian Tapas... is it an indianized spicier variety (aka Indian chinese)?

Shweyta said...

Hi Nirav,
The club Earth in NYC, promotes Indian snacks such as Vodka Pani Puri and Vada Paav as Indian Tapas. A lot of restaurants here follow suit. Maybe they are just trying to christen them with a more internationally recognizable name for broader acceptance.