Monday, September 15, 2008

Fall Street!

There was a strange lull all over. It was as if lifeless bodies moved around, floated on the streets, went from one place to another. A cloud of worry loomed all over the street. The big flag on the building, stagnated in the wind.
The morning rush seemed bleak, almost like a long weekend rush. Only hopeless instead of hopeful.
At lunch time, the overtly crowded restaurant, actually had available seating.
In the evening, as I walked out of work, in the distance, near the gold bollards, stood the camera men. Reporters in front of them, getting ready to narrate the streets biggest fall since 9/11. "Lets get out of here before they try to stop us and make us blurt out something by mistake" said a stock broker voice behind me. Before I could turn around to see his face, he slipped away.
A good friend jokingly texted " You guys should see if a street emp wants to sell his condo. I would think a lot more condos are on the market today". I smiled faintly and responded "Yah maybe" with half as much interest.

Wall Street is where I work. Spend a big part of my day everyday. And like in my previous work-hoods in the city, a part of me now belongs here too.
The bulls and the bears are unwell. The street is not itself today.
Hoping for it's quick recovery.

Get Well Soon, Wall!


"Lady Namu" said...

well, the thing about the condos is very true:D yeah! its just been soo gloomy...I really do hope it picks up and doesn't create a ripple effect

Shweyta said...

Ya. Today somehow seemed better although strangely enough the only street talk I overheard while walking at lunch was "No money"..."What a big loss"...."Who goes down next?"....etc etc....I dont know..just didnt seem like the best of days to be walking next to any stock brokers:)