Friday, March 30, 2012

Some weeknights at the M(a)D House....

"Hi Oeeeeeee..." Eta screams as she opens the door to come in.
*Jump Jump - Wiggle Wiggle - Big Broad two-teethed smiles* in response.
After Da-da-da and Ta-ta-ta, she’s now graduated to “Eta-Eta-Eta”. Eta likes to think she’s calling out to her. She responds “Oe-Oe-Oe” and Oe smiles back!
Thus begin some weeknights at The MD's!

Mit sometimes watches them and wonders if he’s resigned to a life with two crazy-heads in the house. Perhaps it should be called “The MAD House” instead of “The MD House” he thinks, not knowing Eta and Oe can hear the voices in his head. No wonder then, while Eta is still thinking of doing it, Oe goes right ahead and does it – slap Mit on his face! I always knew she would do the things I only dream of doing, sometimes!

Eta and Oe then go back to their games. Sometimes they blast Adele or Lady Gaga on full volume and dance carelessly in the window, where everyone can see. Umm, they've perhaps never heard the phrase - to 'dance like no one's looking'? Later, they read out loud from everything they find around them – Oe’s storybooks, Eta’s design magazines and even the take-out menus lying around the house. Eta comes home each evening and Oe tells her how her day was spent. Whom she met in the park, how many times she farted that day and what she'd like to have for dinner that night. Eta then tells her how her day was spent – Whom she met at work, how many times she farted that day and what she'd like to have for dinner that night.
Then Eta and Oe sing. Sometimes Eta starts the song – very often it’s Oe’s favorite French poem, followed by a Hindi film song, followed by one of the top 40 tracks on radio that week, that’s been buzzing in Eta’s head. Sometimes Oe starts the song – very often it’s Eta’s favorite zibberish poem, followed by a Spanish ‘mamacita’ kinda number, followed by Eta chiming in with her own lyrics to a non-sensical tune. Together they think they sound sensational. Not sure if next-door Stanley agrees.
Oe dances all throughout this musical bonanza. Eta hopes she will stop at some point, so they can go a more mellow ghazal route perhaps? But Oe seems to find some notes to kick and wiggle on, even in the most somber of tunes. Oh Well, says Eta and springs right back up; "Let’s take a break and say Hello to Manhattan shall we?" Then begins ‘The Manhattan song’, while standing in the balcony – “Hi New York City, How are you?” Pat comes the reply “I am fine Oe, How are you?” “I am fine New York City. Where are you?” “I am here Oe, In front of you” ..and so on and so forth. Until New York City needs to go hang with other friends and Oe gives Eta this look that says "Really?"
OK Then. 'Alone' time beckons. Oe hangs in her crib doing her own thing. With Simba, Ellie, Sophie, Rattle and others. Eta goes about her business doing her post-work stuff. Until it's time for Oe’s dinner. Sometimes that is the last they see of each other in a day – Oe sleeps off during dinner and is gone for the night. Sometimes, she plays with her friends after dinner and holds really loud conversations with them, while Eta and Mit catch up over dinner and chit-chat. On a rare night or two, Oe chooses to stay up playing late in her crib, conversing with Casper, who comes to meet her, only after lights go out. Like some kinda lover boy. God knows what they discuss but it involves 'muah-muah' and 'smooch' sounds, between silly giggles and babbles. Eta makes a mental sleepy note in her head - 'Get them a room soon'. Some nights, Mit and Oe talk to each other, over a sleeping Eta in between. Between Mit's TV and laptop-key-badgering and Oe's midnight squeals, Eta has now mastered the art of sleeping with sound.

At some point, around midnight, the lights do go out and Mit, Eta & Oe are finally asleep. The House sighs in relief and perhaps unplugs its ears. Maybe it lies down and decides to rest too. Until next morning, when Tia arrives and Oe & Tia start their screaming madness all over again....

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