Saturday, August 13, 2005

"The Rising"

Mangala Mangala Mangala Mangala Mangala Mangala Ho!
The song stays with you long after the movie ends.
A unanimous standing ovation at the end of the movie, in the theatre hall, speaks for it's after-effects!
One of the finest story-telling endeavours in recent times; not necessarily as much towards good film-making, but more towards bringing back history and celebrating India's first independence hero. It's jolting yet true instances and issues addressed from pre-independence India of the 1800's, bring back to celluloid the stark revelation of one-man's determination, grit and patriotism. Of course it also brings forth how much we, born in independent India, take our freedom for granted.
Never the less, a must watch and a good start to an impending trilogy of India's rising!!
On a parallel note, I am currently reading M.K Gandhi's autobiography: "The story of my experiments with truth". My Gandhi quest; of trying to fathom into Gandhiji's personality and figuring out our common/ uncommon traits (We were born on the same date) started off with watching Richard Attenborough's "Gandhi". I strongly believe that people born on the same day, have to have something in common.
The two antipodal perspectives of both these heroes of the 18th century; Mangal Pandey and Gandhiji, aspiring towards the same goal of a free India, albeit with a few decades in between, form interesting cases for analysis.
The former- a violent rebel, the latter- a symbol of peace!
The former- a Hindu brahmin, the latter- a Bania Vaishnav!
The former- a celibate, the latter- a self-proclaimed lust-seeker (at first)!
The former-a soldier, the latter- a lawyer!
The former- India's first independence hero, the latter- India's last!
The former- a hardly celebrated martyr, the latter-India's most celebrated one!
The former- responsible for an army's rising, the latter- for that of the nation's!
Both- Hero's in their own might!

Happy Independence Day, India!


Preeti said...

Hi Shweyta,

The movie is really very good. And its more than just a movie. Saw it one day before our Independence Day.

You know I find myself coming to your blog so often, never miss reading all that you write. Now I've got something common between us...being born on the same date :)

Take care,

Shweyta said...

I did see your post on your blog and left a comment there. We saw the movie in the same theatre, except on consecutive days:)
It's funny how I know another Preeti who was born on the same date and year, as me, just 12 hours apart:) Thanks for reading my blog and leaving your comments!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shweyta,

I just got linked to you blog through Naim's blog. Mangal Pandey truly has 'RAISED' our nations history to another level. I remember about reading Mangal Pandey in our history text books, but this movie has done a credible job in bringing our his true heroism. And as always Aamis was the only one who could have done justice to the role. :)

Nirav said...

Hi Shwethya,
Got directed here thru naim's blog... Must say that the 'story' of Mangal Pandey does strike a patriotic chord, but my thoughts on the 'movie' were a little different... I dont think it was a very well-made movie and could have been better (Do go to to check my views)

On a different chord, I was quite impressed with Gandhi's autobiography.. it was quite a revelation....remains one of my fav books

Raj said...

Hey Nirav, I am actually inclined to agree with you to an extent, I posted some of my own views about the movie as well, do take a look.

Braveheart said...

The reason why I am here is Ragini. Just couldn't stop myself from giving you a pointer to my take on the same movie, which i completed only a few moments ago :)

Btw about Gandhi, one must read George Orwell's essay on him. Search for it and you'll find it. If you don't, ask me. I will.

-- Akshaya

Tin Tin said...

Re-visiting blog-world after a long time.Yes, I have read My Experiments with truth as well.

Check out my new post sometime @

Khakra said...

My roommate wanted to join me for the movie, which she assumed was a flick with songs, dances and sidekicks. Told her no, that i'd get back to her about a new one in a few weeks. Can't wait to see it.

Many different perspectives on freedom from all freedom fighters-- tops with Gandhi of course, but Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar, Parsis, had different inputs.One great thing the British didn't leave behind - Salisbury steak.