Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Love letter

Sept 22nd 2004 was the last time I was with you.
Its the longest I've been away from you...One year!
And with each passing day it only gets longer.
I cannot cut myself off from you. You were my first and you could possibly be my last.
Its a long-distance love affair, and a passionate one, may I add, that we have, you and I. We live in each others hearts, minds and thoughts. Nostalgically, we reflect upon our times together and miss them. Often I wonder how you would have changed and you wonder how I would've grown? What must life bring to us now, each day as we pass living it?
We both have moved on, but our lives are still connected, a huge part of my life with a small part of yours. Not a day passes me by, when I don’t think of you and when somewhere inside you, there isn’t a thought of me that prevails.
You were with whom all my first’s happened; childhood spent, innocence lost, and youth commenced,
You were the first, whom I grew to love and who loved me right back,
You nurtured me, watched me grow, touched my life and put me on this threshold, only to watch me fly away from you, to further seas and future loves,
You were and still are, my friend, confidante, benefactor,
my foundation, lover, and partner in crime,
My first urban love, that taught me to love, understand, appreciate, assimilate, analyse and grow with other cities,
You were and will always remain, my childhood sweetheart,
My Mumbai!

Until we meet again, be well and take care!


Bhaskar said...

Very well written.. Adds a new dimension to the words "love affair" :-D or is it actually conveying something deeper ;-) Well you never know..

Shweyta said...

Hey Bhaskar,
Long time. Hope all is well.
Nope, the "love affair" is not conveying anything deeper, just the affairs I keep having with some cities:)

Bhaskar said...

Really long time, I must admit.. Have lost track of everything after coming here.. Am still living out of a suitcase and am officially moving into my apt at the end of this month.. So things have been pretty tight..

any upcoming affairs with ne new cities :-), say Seattle..

Shweyta said...

Would love to visit actually, although dont know when. But its definitely on my list, so will keep you informed:)

Nirav said...

Good to see you back :)

Shweyta said...

What I've written on your blog is in fact what I really think about the movie; that it is a huge waste of time and money and an example of bad film-making!
Just my opinion:)
I ve been visiting your blog on and off. Makes for interesting reading!